CHRYSO®Air air entraining agents create air microbubbles uniformly distributed in the concrete. These microbubbles improve resistance to freezing and thawing cycles and reduce the risk of cracking when unmolding prefabricated elements.
In addition to acting as a stabilizing agent, the air entrainer has a plasticizing effect reducing the quantity of water required in the mixture and limits segregation of the mixture. It also avoids compatibility problems between cement, sand and other adjuvants, while minimizing the risk of bleeding.
Thanks to the use of CHRYSO®Air air entrainer , the prefabricated elements benefit from better durability and increased resistance.





Compatibility with all types of superplasticizers

Reduction of water in the concrete mix

Protection against freeze/thaw cycles



CHRYSO®Air G500 is air entraining agent creating a stable network of microscopic air bubbles in concrete, when introduced in concrete. CHRYSO®Air G500 effectively protects concrete against frost/ defrost cycles and the action of defrosting salts.   Using CHRYSO®Air G500 avoids compatibility problems betweencement/sand/admixtures. In fresh concrete, CHRYSO®Air G500 also has a plasticising effect.It limits the amount of segregation and reduces or eveneliminates bleeding. It is also compatible with all types of superplasticizers.


•CHRYSO®Air AE is an air entraining agent creating stable microscopic air bubbles in concrete and mortar.   •CHRYSO®Air AE protects the concrete effectively against frost / defrost cycles and the action of defrosting salts.
