
CHRYSO®Quad 210S

High range water reducing Super plasticizing admixture

CHRYSO®Quad 210S is a new generation superplasticizer with very high water reduction capability based on latest molecular synthesis technology from CHRYSO ® Synthesis Molecules.

CHRYSO®Quad 210S has been developed for fine aggregates that have high clay/silt content, and to maintain fresh concrete that helps to keep enough slump retention with high early strength development, which is not possible with a normal admixture. It can be used also with normal sands and aggregates.

Thanks to its specifically designed molecular structure, CHRYSO®Quad 210S enables the concrete manufacturer to produce cohesive, low viscous concrete with high early strength development.

CHRYSO®Quad 210S enables the production of flowable/selfleveling concrete.


Application domain

  • All cement types
  • Concrete for highly reinforced structures
  • Prestressed concrete
  • Precast
  • High early age strength


  •  Dramatically increases early compressive and flexural strengths without detriment to ultimate strengths.
  • Enhances the workability retention of concrete particularly in hot climates.
  • The dispersion properties of CHRYSO®Quad 210S allow the user to optimise the cement content when a specified mechanical strength is required.
  • The dispersion properties of CHRYSO®Quad 210S allow the user to optimise the cement content when a specified mechanical strength is required.



  • 20 L bucket
  • 200 L drum
  • 1000 L IBC

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